“Mapped in Bangladesh” (MiB) is the destination for credible apparel data from Bangladesh. This Crowdsourcing App is the gateway to submit and update the RMG factories’ data in a robust and secure way. The app is developed under the MiB project by Brac University. MiB created a nationwide digital map of RMG factories, a transparency mechanism enabling the accountability of the sector.The app is a useful tool to modify and update the factory data on the digital map. Users can provide factory data by registering with their email address and/or mobile number. Relevant stakeholders of the RMG sector can utilize the app and update the data directly and effortlessly from their mobile devices.Following are some of the features of the app:- Seek input through crowd-sourcing to keep the data up-to-date- Identify factory status (open/close) and other essential information- Add and store updated data provided by the usersFor details, please visit: www.mappedinbangladesh.org